Rabu, 17 April 2013

Strategies to answer questions TOEFL Listening

Strategies to answer questions toefl listening section
First question: do you have to listen to all the conversations of the first and the second? The answer may be - is okay, but it's more important you should be able to catch the second person answers.

Second question: Do you have to listen to all that answered the second sentence? The answer may be - is okay. But more importantly you should be able to catch one of the key words in the answer to the second.

The third question: what is the keyword? Keyword is meant here is a verb (verbs) and adjectives (adjective). Why adjectives and verbs used as keywords? Because you are looking for is a OTHERWISE / synonyms (words that have the same meaning) with the keywords on the answer to -2.
And notice what is conveyed by both the speaker and the linkages between phrases and other keywords that can mengatarkan the correct conclusion. It usually occurs in the conversation, so you should focus on the second without the first pernytaan forget.

“And the core of answering all questions toefl is more ter-focus the conversation of the second”

Example in the conversation:
luffy: Hi nami, do you bring my komik book? I need to finish reading tonight.
nami: Oh my god  sorry. I forget to bring it.
Narrator: What does the women (nami) mean?
A. The women forgets to bring the book.
B. The wamen does not know about the book.
C. The women brings Merry’s book.
D. The women does not remember to bring the book.
The correct answer is D (The women does not remember to bring the book). Key words in the answer to -2 is forget. Then you have to find another answer which means the same as the word forget that does not remember. Forget is a verb (verb). Usually synonymous form adjectives (adjective) and verbs (verb).
Tips to improve listening skills (Listening)
Listening is a skill performance. You can do well if you try to talk a lot. Students in foreign language classes often have difficulty listening and speaking because they are afraid of making mistakes. It's okay to do wrong. Take your time in talking.
• persering use of language labs, reading exercises in the book, then listen and read at the same time. Then listen without looking at the book. Say keras-keras/tuliskan you hear.
• Listen to your friends while you talk, focus on what he says, and do not worry how you'll talk.
• If you feel tense, relaxed for a moment to take a deep breath. If you are asked to speak, stop, quiet for a moment, and give you a minute to respond.
• Listen to your friends when you dictate and write that you hear. Check the truth.
• For exercise, join a language club, see foreign TV, listen to foreign radio.

Strategy toefl listening short answer questions
1. While listening to a conversation, focus on the speech last (second). The answer to Part A is found in the sentence pronounced by the last (second).
2. Responses to this section is a paraphrase (statement again with different words but the same meaning) of the last sentence spoken. Think of a sentence that is an expression of the restatement kalimatterakhir.
3. There is some regularity in question, namely: passive, negative, wishes, condition ("if" sentences); agreement, uncertainty, suggestion, surprise; idiomatic expressions.
4. level of difficulty of questions about the numbers tended to increase from the smaller to the larger.
5. If we do not understand the complete conversation, we still can find the answer right in a way

- If we only understand a word or phrase in the last sentence (the second), choose the answer which is a restatement (restatement) of the words we hear.
- If If we do not understand the last sentence (the second), choose the answer with the words of the most different from what we hear.
- Do not ever choose the answer that sounds similar to what we hear on the tape.

If we are people who are able to read while listening, then listening Listening and reading about the answer choices may be no problem. However, in general, non-native speakers are very rarely able to understand the reading while listening. If we fall into this category, then we can do is: listen to it because, not while reading the answer options. Then when you're done because read, answer the strategies mentioned above. The time lag between a question with another question we can use to read a glimpse of the answer options before because the next question is read. This is useful for us to be prepared on the subject matter of the conversation further. If the start because read, stop reading the reply option, and concentrate listening to the conversation.

Strategy toefl listening long answer:
1. If we have time, read the glimpse of the options in Part B answers. When you read a glimpse of these options, you can do are: a) anticipate the conversation topics that you would hear, and b) will be asked to guess the questions related to the topic of conversation.
2. Listen carefully 1-2 first sentence conversation. The first sentence contains a subject often, the idea of the principal, or main idea of the conversation and the question will be related to that topic.
As you listen, imagine the situation conversation: who is speaking, where and when the conversations took place. There will be questions regarding this information.
3. When you listen, read the answer options in the test book and try to determine the correct answer. The answers to the questions in this section are found sequentially in the conversation, and in this section is often similar to what we hear (compare with Part A!).

Key 1: Understand the forms of the command (direction) in each section (part) well before the day of the exam.
Key 2: Read the answer choices for each question as much as possible when the narrator is reading directions and the sample questions (example)
Key 3: Listen with full concentration and focus your attention on the conversation you are listening to.
Key 4: Maximize your listening skills on the first questions in each part.
KEY 5: Focus your hearing on the second speaker.
6 keys: Do not panic if you can not understand word for word in a complete conversation. You only need to capture an idea or content of the conversation.
Lock 7: If you are not able to understand what was said the second speaker, choose the best answer is different from what you have heard.
Lock 8: Understand the functional forms of expression (agreement, uncertainty, suggestion, surprise), idiomatic expressions, and situations when the conversation is done.
Key 9: When the narrator reads part B direction you should read the answer choices at a glance then mrekamnya and predict what will be the theme of conversation.
10 key: when listening to the conversation, you have to know what theme / topic being discussed
Lock 11: beware of each question.
Key 12: Pay attention to the conditions and situations that occurred during the conversation, the conversation regarding the place and time, what and who is concerned.
Key 13: If you have time, take a look at the options listed on the sheet jawban matter and find the key word.
Lock 14: Beware of talks in sentences first because it usually will be the topic for the next sentences.
Lock 15: Focus your hearing on matters relating to the 5-wh questions (what, who, when, where, why) and how.
Key 16: make kesiompulan \ inferasi the situation that occurs when the conversation is done.